The Mortgage Morass

It’s no secret that records management is critical for Loan originators and servicers. In a post-sub prime world, it’s simply not worth the risk to be in the mortgage business without dotting every “i” and crossing every “t”. With the sheer quantity and complexity of regulations applied to the mortgage industry, along with the rate … Continue reading The Mortgage Morass

Document Scanning: Your Law Firm Can Reap the Benefits

Document digitization, or scanning, frees up time, office space, increases long-term archiving success, increases productivity, increases security and reduces stress. Talk to Morgan Records Management today and talk to us about how we can help your firm make the electronic transition, and about how we can help your firm focus on what its best at, while we take care of the rest.

Rasomware: Don’t Let it Happen to You!

By Andrew Locke January 18, 2017 There a ton of people in every conceivable industry that are still storing tons of important and critical electronic files on their laptop and PC hard drives. It's important to know that this practice is seen, increasingly, as a bad decision. Why? Let's take a look at the medical … Continue reading Rasomware: Don’t Let it Happen to You!